Sunday, June 30, 2019

June 29th - Ziplining and Cape Spear

Saturday we headed to Petty Cove to zipline at the longest zipline course in Canada. It has to be true, it is on the sign.

Here is a picture of Kellen in his gear ready to go.  The bus took us to within a 1/4 mile of the top. We then had to walk up a steep slope the rest of the way to begin our ten stations. From there it was across and downhill, over a half of a mile.

Here is a picture of Kellen headed across one canyon. 

On the longest section we were doing 60 mph and it felt like it. The course took us from the ridge above town to an area half a mile down the road. Here is a picture of the ridge we crossed. You can barely see a couple of the stations at the top.

We started in the town pictured below and ended up here giving us quite a view of the harbor town and the iceberg in the bay.

While Kellen and I were ziplining Kelly did a little shopping and found a place we needed to check out next - Cape Spear, the farthest point East on the North American Continent.  It was only about fifteen miles away. It had the original lighthouse there and the newer one built in 1955.  Here is a picture of the lighthouse built in 1955 with Kellen sitting on the top of the rock cliff looking out at the ocean. He just went out there on his own to contemplate the trip and take in the view.

This is a picture of the original lighthouse located about 1000 feet away from the newer one. It has been completely restored with a little outside work still going on.

It was crazy how cold it got up there when the fog moved in. Here is a picture from the top with all the steps leading up. The buildings are all being refurbished to accommodate tourists.

We are glad we made this short trek. We have now been to the Easternmost point, the Southernmost point in Key West, and the Westernmost point which is in Hawaii. We didn't go to the Artic Circle while in Alaska.

Today we will relax and pack everything up for the ferry ride tomorrow. We must check out of the park by 1:00 p.m., which works out fine because we have an hour drive to the ferry and must be there two hours ahead of departure. We take off at 5:00 p.m. for a seventeen hour ride back to Nova Scotia. Since the trip is so long we booked a cabin so we can sleep. When we arrive in Nova Scotia we will have to find a campground with a laundry before we proceed on down the road. Laundry piles up just like at home.


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