Monday, July 1, 2019

June 30th-July 1st - Last Day in Newfoundland and Generator Problem

Yesterday was our last full day in Newfoundland. It was a sunny, warm day for here (66 degrees). Kelly told Kellen she would give him $25.00 to get in the river. After much prodding and watching other kids do it, he finally did it.  Here is a picture of him in the water. He said it was freezing but money talks.

Here is a picture of Kellen and Kelly skipping rocks behind our campsite.

Yesterday I checked the oil in the generator and the air in the tires for the trip ahead. The oil was full and the tires were as well. This morning I had been running the generator for about an hour and went outside to put the chairs away to pack up for the trip to the ferry. I noticed this spot of oil under the generator which was running.  Not good.

I opened the compartment door and found that the entire tray under the generator was black with oil. I shut down the generator immediately. Here is a picture of the area where the oil was pooled after I wiped up what I could reach with paper towels. There is still a lot of oil in the back.

I checked the oil dipstick and the oil was now just about empty. I believe there are one of two possibilities that caused this issue. The first is that when checking the oil yesterday I did not completely tighten the dipstick cap, which is next to the green arrow in the following picture, and it was pumping oil out while running this morning. The second possibility is that the oil pan gasket has gone bad. The oil pan gasket is next to the red arrow in the picture. I sincerely hope it is my fault but I can't check it until I get some more oil. If it is the oil pan gasket it will mean removing the generator when I get home and replacing the gasket.  I'm really hope my carelessness is the culprit. Lifting and removing the generator will take two men and a boy. I know because two of us put it in some years ago.

At noon we leave to get checked in for the ferry ride to North Sidney, Nova Scotia. It is a seventeen hour ride overnight so we can sleep in our cabin to kill much of the time. We are sad to leave Newfoundland knowing that we will never be back. The people are extremely nice and the trip has been wonderful.

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