Tuesday, February 1, 2022

January 31, 2022 - Wine Tasting for the Women

Yesterday was a cool but sunny day so the women's wine tasting took place in the afternoon as planned. The rule is that each lady participating must bring a wine for tasting. The original idea was that wines would be brought from regions at home but many forgot so most wines were bought locally. The tasting was hosted by Rosie. Here is a picture of her serving up a sample.

Here is a picture of Kelly being poured a sample. Upon seeing this picture my thought was that she didn't look impressed with what is being served. LOL.

Here are pictures as the tasting was winding down when the men showed up and threw the "dead solders" out in the middle (along with a few of their beer cans and an empty whiskey bottle).

Here is Jake helping himself to some of the snacks the ladies had left over. The ladies always make nice snacks. The men just tear open a bag of chips and pass it around. LOL

The ladies all had a great time and commented that the wines this year were of a better quality than in years past. Fortunately, the men didn't have to help any ladies get home. 

1 comment:

  1. what fun pictures. looks like a great time. glad it warmed up today1


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