Monday, February 7, 2022

February 6, 2022 - New Bathroom Faucet

I noticed that all of a sudden everything on the top of the bathroom vanity was getting wet. I found that the faucet was leaking onto the counter when either the hot or cold valve was turned on. When the valves were closed it didn't leak. I put a washcloth down to absorb the water until I could get it replaced. Here is a picture of the faucet with the washcloth in place. Luckily the water was running toward the back rather than off the front edge and on to the floor.

I went to Home Depot and purchased a replacement faucet. They have certainly gotten more expensive. I didn't think I was ever going to get the water connections loose without a basin wrench but finally I was able to do so. (I really didn't want to buy a basin wrench since I already have one at home.) 

Here is a picture of the new faucet installed. It isn't much different from the old one. They had other styles with spouts that were much taller and which protruded much further into the bowl. I decided against getting one of those because this wash bowl is so small I was afraid a larger spout would be a hindrance.

Upon examining the old faucet I could not see why it was leaking. The guts are all plastic so it could be leaking anywhere and I wouldn't see it. I was surprised, however, to see the state of the screen on the bottom of the spout. I expected some calcium blockage but I didn't expect slimy black stuff all over. It was gross. Here is a picture. 

I didn't know what it was so I "Googled" it and found this:

  • The sticky, slimy, stinky residue can make itself at home nearly anywhere water flows in your home. Whether it accumulates in the faucet aerator, around the tub drain, inside the toilet tank, or even inside your tea kettle –black slime is usually due to bacteria that feeds on oxidized iron and manganese in your water supply.

I learn something every day. In all the years we have owned RVs I've never had this before.  I'm going to watch that screen from now on. 

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