Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 5, 2022 - 1st Audrey Street Beer Tasting

Kelly organized a beer tasting for Audrey Street which was held yesterday. To participate you had to bring a craft beer for tasting. We planned on the tasting lasting for an hour then folks would be free to take the rest of their beer home or drink it there if they wanted.  Kelly provided polka and other beer drinking music throughout the afternoon.

It was a cool, overcast day but despite the weather the tasting was a smashing success. All the friends on the street, plus several couples from other areas of the park who hang out with us regularly, all participated. We ended up with over twenty beers to taste. The beer coolers were set up on picnic tables with labels on them naming the beer.  Here are some pictures of the beers set out for tasting.

Here is a picture of the two picnic tables with the beers getting lined up for the tasting to begin. (Ladies like to organize.)

A grill was provided for those who wanted to grill brats or hot dogs. The original idea was that people would grill their own meat. This idea quickly proved to be totally unworkable. I ended up doing the grilling, which was fine because I'm really not a beer drinker.  Here is a picture of one batch of meat being grilled.

We didn't count the attendees because it was like trying to herd cats. We estimated around forty enjoyed the festivities. Here are a couple of pictures of people milling around throughout the afternoon. Snacks were set out on tables in various areas.

As it turned out the "tasting" never ended. Everyone left their beers on the tables and folks just went back and filled their tasting cups with whatever beers struck their fancy. Everyone commented on having a great time. A number of folks stayed on into the evening until it started raining.

Kelly's expert planning proved to make the event a great success. From the comments we received I'm sure this event will be planned again for next year, only not by us. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow what weird brands of beer, but it looks like everyone had a good time. Have fun be safe.


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