Friday, March 25, 2022

March 24, 2022 - Derby Day

Yesterday was "Derby Day" at Roberts RV Park. Derby Day is the last race of the season. On Derby Day there are three races with the third race winner being the Derby Winner. There are six horses in each race. Earlier in the season the horses were auctioned off and then named by their owners. Owners also had a chance to write a description of their steeds to entice folks to vote for them. The total amount received at the auction is the purse for the Derby Day winner. The Audrey Street syndicate bought two horses this year. Number One was "Gorgeous George", named after long-time, beloved Audrey Street resident, George Schick. Number Six was "Peckerhead", named in honor of a Canadian who was a former Audrey Street resident, Chris Webb. She called everyone a "Peckerhead". Here are the descriptions of the horses that were put in the program for the derby.

Gorgeous George

A short-legged gelding who runs like the wind. While a very amiable steed, he is a bit hard-headed and runs his own race despite the workings of his jockey. No matter his place at the finish line, he always holds his head up high like the winner he is.


Originally owned by a Nova Scotian who loves her Rye Whiskey, this mare has come into her own under the leadership of the syndicate. Her original owner considered her a bit dumb and let her know that every time she did poorly on and off the track, which didn’t help her performance or her self-esteem. To keep this filly running at her peak her current jockey has been trained to not call her by name and to promise her a little “arthritis medicine” after the race.

It had been pouring rain all day and it was unknown what type of crowd would attend the derby. As it turned out all the regulars attended and looked forward to great races.

Bets were placed before each race. Sue and Bill took all bets and calculated the payout for each race. They always do a great job.

Don was the race announcer and did an outstanding job keeping the jockeys in line and calling each race.

For the third and final race, George was chosen as the jockey for Gorgeous George (far left) and I was chosen as the jockey for Peckerhead (far right). As the horses lined up at the starting line it was clear that Peckerhead was anxious for a win with this jockey having to hold her back so she didn't jump the line.

Gorgeous George was out of the gate and well ahead of the others for a couple of rolls, then Peckerhead hit her stride, getting a number of rolls in a row. While horses 2, 3, 4, and 5 started to catch up, Gorgeous George and Peckerhead approached the Finish Line well ahead of the pack. With a final roll of the dice, Peckerhead got the win! The horse and her jockey were ecstatic!!! There is nothing like being in the Winner's Circle!

For posterity horse and jockey posed for a picture at the Finish Line. (Which you can see is real close to the food line. LOL)

The payout was $375.00. Each member of the syndicate received $29.00 for a share of the winnings. All of the horse races this year were well-attended and everyone enjoyed each and every race. Those of us in the Winners Circle had a lot to celebrate at the end of this season. We will miss this event.

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