Sunday, April 3, 2022

March 29, 2022 - Final Season Social Event - Hamburger Dinner and Dance

The last social event of the season was the "Hamburger Dinner and Dance". Kelly and I did not buy hamburger tickets because we had a couple of steaks that needed to be grilled. After dinner we went up to the pavilion for the dance which started at 7:00 p.m. Here are a couple of pictures of everyone enjoying themselves.

There was free beer as long as it lasted and the Audrey Street table decided to line their empties.

Kelly and I got up to dance to a song I thought I recognized. It ended up not being that song. In fact it was a bad song that no one ever heard of so no one got up to dance but us!

The music for the danced was provided by Wayne, who has the equipment to be a DJ. Wayne and Charlotte are from Newfoundland, are the friendliest people, and do a great job with the music.

It was a very nice ending to the snowbird season. Many of our Audrey Street friends are not coming back to this park next year for various reasons, most of which have to do with management. Those not coming back are Don and Brenda from Indiana, Don and Anita from Ohio, Dick and Electa from Ohio, Marianna from Ohio, MJ from Ohio, Tom and Joan from Pennsylvania, Annie from New Jersey, George and Sherrie from Florida, and Mike and Kelly from Missouri. It is sad to think that most of these folks we will never see again after spending the last six winters visiting and partying with them almost daily. Audrey Street will a different place. 

The park we have reserved for next year is Adelaide Shores RV Park in Avon Park, Florida. It will be a completely different experience for us. It is in the middle of the state, thus a two-hour drive in either direction to get to the beach. There are no large towns nearby so the vibe will be quite different from St. Petersburg, which has everything you need and hundreds of restaurants in close proximity. We only know one couple at the new park and they now live in a permanent trailer so they won't be part of the "RV crowd". 

Leaving Roberts RV Park we will particularly miss our wonderful Michigan friends, David and Jean, Chris and Marg, and George and Janet.  We plan on making several trips back to see them next winter.

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