It is getting colder outside so I need indoor projects because we are basically on Covid lockdown. I was using some files the other day and realized that some of my file handles are VERY crude. Here is a picture of five homemade handles I pulled out of the drawer.
The one on the left I made from a broken plastic spatula handle. It works and is comfortable to use. The second from the left I made from a broken ice pick. It works ok as well. The other three I guess I picked up over the years. I didn't make them. The one in the middle is just a piece of 5/8 inch dowel. The next is a just a 3/4 x 1/2 inch block of wood. The one on the far right is almost an inch and half in diameter and is just a large piece of a tree branch with the bark still on it.
I got some wood scraps out of my burn bin and glued some pieces together to make some new file handles on the lathe. Here are the four I made.
These are fantastic Dad!!