Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 11th - 16th, 2022 - The American Legion, Golf Tournament, Soup and Salad Dinner

Tuesday afternoon Kelly had a painting class.  I went with the Michigan folks to the American Legion located on the water. Anyone can just walk into this Legion but you must be a Legion member, or a "Sons of American Legion" member, in order to buy food or drinks. I have a "Sons of American Legion" card and used it when we came with John and Joan in December. This visit I was quickly informed that my card had expired. It was a 2021 card. I didn't even think about it. Others had to pay for my food and drink with me reimbursing them. Here are a couple of pictures of some of our group watching the dolphins play near the docks. The first is a picture of Jean and the second is a picture of Terry and Julie and the back of George's head.

I checked to see if I could renew my Sons of American Legion card at this post and the answer was "no". I have to do it in Perryville. I just assumed that they would send me a statement and a new card as they always did when I was a booster member but they did not. I called the American Legion Hall in Perryville and they said I had to come in and fill out a form that the bartender has available to pay the dues and get a new card. They wouldn't bill me. Why would they send bills annually for boosters and not for "Sons of American Legion"?  Anyway, I'm out of luck for this winter season.

Wednesday I played in the park golf scramble at a course in Tampa. I've played this course before and it has a lot of water hazards. My balls are always attracted to water so I bring extras. On the 13th hole you have to hit over the water to the fairway. My goal is always to just get the ball over the water, not worrying about where it will land. I DID IT! But in doing so my ball hit the only object in the area - a 2-foot-tall white bird standing on the bank. It was hysterical. I wish I had a video of him jumping up when he was hit. Surprisingly he didn't fly off. We rode the cart over there to retrieve my ball and he just stood there as we approached. My cart mate said he looked pissed and he may kick my ass! Luckily, he didn't. John gave me golf tips throughout the day which helped me improve my swing. I only lost two balls in the water all day so that was a win in itself!  After the tournament there is a meal at the pavilion for players and spouses. Fried chicken is supplied and each couple brings a covered dish. There were dozens of sides for the chicken as well as desserts. It was a nice time and a great meal.

Friday I had to take the truck into the dealer for an inspection of the wheel studs due to a recall. Dave rode with me because I thought it would only take an hour. We got there and the service writer said it would be at least two hours because they were running behind. He had someone drive us back to the RV park. Four hours later I still hadn't heard back so I texted the service writer and he said the truck would be finished in 15 minutes. Kelly drove me there to pick it up. As it turned out all of the wheel studs on my truck are fine, no replacements needed. Good news.

Friday afternoon I was supposed to install new batteries in Celina's golf cart but the supplier called and told her the batteries had not arrived. He said it is hard to get golf cart batteries right now. A project for another day. 

At the park there is a chapter of "The Red Hat Ladies". It's a social group and one of their yearly activities here at the park is a "Soup and Salad Dinner", which was yesterday. For $7.00 you get all the salad you want and a taste of various soups made by the chapter members. Kelly made a delicious clam chowder. The profits go to the St. Petersburg Free Clinic. I think last year they cleared about $600.00 but this year the crowd was smaller. You are given a plate of lettuce and you put on whatever toppings you want. Here is a picture of the salad table after everyone had been served. Everyone wore masks and gloves while getting their salad.

Each person was given three cups to taste different soups.  The ladies made twenty-five soups. Quite a variety. Here is a picture of part of the soup table. I couldn't get it all in one picture.

It was all delicious with homemade cupcakes to finish off the meal. It took about an hour to clean up and then we were back at the RV to watch a little football.  

At 6:00 a.m. this morning it started raining fairly hard. It is supposed to rain off and on all day plus get windy and cooler. I had planned to grill a steak this evening but I think it will be a good day to just stay indoors and watch football.

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