Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 29-30, 2022 - Weather

Here at the RV park in Florida we are all used to sitting out and visiting part of every day. The current cold weather is not allowing that comfortably. While it was sunny yesterday, it was way too cold to be outside. We decided to go to the Legion in Madeira Beach for lunch and listen to a little live music. On most visits to this Legion hall we sit on the patio overlooking the bay. I've posted pictures in the past. 

Yesterday there were whitecaps on the water and no one was even thinking about sitting outside. We sat inside and had a nice lunch. Unfortunately, the music didn't start until 4:00 p.m. so we had quite a wait for it to begin after we ate. Here is a picture of the ladies on their phones waiting for the music to start. The hall is decorated for Valentine's Day so I assume they will be having a dance.

The music started on time and we liked what they played. We stayed for a while but not a long time because we were all tired of sitting.

This morning may have set a record low here, I don't know. Here is the weather at 9:00 a.m.

Believe me this is cold for this area. I've had the furnace running and the electric fireplace running since 7:00 a.m. We will be staying inside all day and watching football games for entertainment. Tomorrow it is warming up some. The women have a wine-tasting scheduled. (Men are not invited.) Each participant brings a bottle of wine to taste. This will warm up the women and I guarantee they will have a good time!

Wednesday we have a golf scramble and I have been named team captain so I have to collect my team's money. I know all my teammates so it won't be hard to hunt them down. LOL

Friday, January 28, 2022

January 27, 2022 - Potato Bake

Yesterday was the only "good" weather day we have had around here for several days and it is turning bad again through the weekend. The ladies planned a "Potato Bake". John provided the pit for the bake and the gathering area on his lot. Here is a picture of the pit with a full layer of hot charcoal and wood ready for potatoes.

Dave and I were in charge of getting the charcoal started and it went well with a little help from the wind. Everyone sat a good distance away from the pit to give us room to turn the potatoes and for everyone to come up and check on "their" potato periodically. Here is a picture of the pit of charcoal with a round of potatoes in it. 

Everyone wanted to get their own potato back once baked. In an effort to do that everyone wrote their name on their potato with a magic marker. I knew that wasn't going to work because once we turned the potatoes the markings would be burned off, and they were. Luckily everyone was happy with the potato they ended up with. The ladies provided a table full of toppings. After topping their potato everyone sat around and enjoyed the meal.  Here is a picture. We had quite the crowd. Everyone was ready to do something fun after being cooped up in our RVs for two days due to the weather.

Everyone hung around visiting until the entire area was shaded and it was too cold to just sit there. A number of us then relocated to the opposite side of the street where we there was sunshine. We continued our BS session until dark.

The weather is turning cold and rainy for the next several days so there is not much on the agenda. I believe next week there is going to be a wine tasting hosted by Rosie. The women each bring a bottle of wine and everyone tastes. The men aren't invited so we will have to figure out something to keep us busy besides getting the tipsy women back to their RVs when they are done. LOL 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 25, 2022 - Our "Premium" Lot and the Wet Weather

We have been upset with Roberts RV Park management since arriving here on December 1st. The reason is a long story and I won't bore you with it here. We ended up being put on a different lot than the one we thought we reserved. It is on a different street from our friends and our mail would be forwarded to the wrong lot. We were put on a "premium" lot, meaning it costs $125.00 per month more. We had no voice in the matter. According to management it is a "premium" lot because it is bigger. We don't see how but we lost that argument. We protested the additional rental amount because we did not reserve a "premium" lot and should not have to pay for it since the one we reserved is occupied. Our protests fell on deaf ears. We were told we could have our money back and go elsewhere for the winter. Obviously we didn't want to do that since all our friends are here and our friends are the ONLY reason we come to this crappy park. Here is the view we have out the back window of the RV on this "premium" lot. Here are two pictures.

It is a view of the park maintenance lot with machines and workers coming and going all day, every day. In addition to this lovely view when we set up on the lot the electric did not work properly nor did the cable for internet. The park sent an electrician to put in a new breaker so that we would have 50 amp service. I then had to call Spectrum for a service call to get the cable to work. The serviceman could not get a signal from our cable box so he just laid a cable across the ground form our RV to the neighbor's cable box. While we now have cable for the internet I have to be careful not to trip over the cable laying on the ground when walking around. Also the meter box for our lot and the lot next to us is in the middle of our lot. This, my friends, is a "premium" lot in Roberts RV Resort in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Due to the above issues we decided to start looking for an alternative park for next year and thereafter. We mapped out a number of parks to visit, about eight of which were north of here and about five south of here. The other day we took a drive and of the eight parks north of St. Petersburg, we found only two parks we would consider moving to. One of the two is already totally booked for next year. The other would cost more but is a significant improvement over what we have here. 

Yesterday we took a road trip to check out the five parks we targeted south of St. Petersburg. Of those none were better than where we are except for one park in Punta Gorda. The park in Punta Gorda is about the same price as what we are paying here for this "premium" lot. We like that if you reserve a lot there you get that lot - not a promise of "a" lot, which is what we get here. The Punta Gorda park has lots available for next year. It is actually a resident-owned mobile home park with sixty RV lots. We really like the park, the activities, and the vibe of the place. Unfortunately, it is about sixty miles south of St. Petersburg. Moving there next year would mean leaving all of our friends here (a number of which will not be back here next year anyway) and getting new doctors in Fort Meyers, the closest large community. We have time before we have to put a deposit down at either place. Here they have increased the deposit to $500.00 and you are only guaranteed "a" lot, not the lot you would like. This rule caused us a major problem this year with mail delivery, distance from friends, etc. The Punta Gorda park requires a $1,000 deposit but the lot you reserve is the lot you will get. We like that a lot.

It has been raining since the middle of the night and the rain and cooler temperatures are predicted to continue in different degrees until next Tuesday. While this is a bummer it is still better than the freezing cold at home. A nice day for me to make a big pot of chili for supper. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

January 20, 2022 - First Horse Races of the Season

After a 2021 Covid hiatus the horse races are back at Roberts Downs. They are held in the open-air pavilion. It was unknown what type of crowd would be attending in these crazy times but the crowd was just right with a number of newbies attending. I was asked to be the substitute announcer this week and accepted the challenge, never having done it before. Here is a picture of me in back of the track explaining the rules and betting. 

There are three races with six horses in each race. The jockeys are changed for each race. The bet is $1.00. All money is paid out after each race to those who picked the winning horse. All betters were required to wear masks when in line for the betting.  Here is a picture of those lined up to bet.

Once all the bets were placed the jockeys mounted their horses for the first race. Here is a picture of the jockeys ready for a roll of the dice to make their moves out of the gate.

The horse races are always a fun time but it was extra exciting for us yesterday because Kelly won first place in the 50/50 drawing and collected $117.00. (I didn't draw the ticket, really.) After the festivities ended we gathered outside George and Janet's motorhome for a few cordials and lots of laughs. The weather cooperated all day but is going to turn rainy and cold Saturday which is bad because there is a meal and dancing music scheduled at the pavilion. We are hoping the forecast changes for the better. I'll keep you posted. 

A number of us are playing nine holes of golf this afternoon. I hope to improve my game. I can only get better!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 11th - 16th, 2022 - The American Legion, Golf Tournament, Soup and Salad Dinner

Tuesday afternoon Kelly had a painting class.  I went with the Michigan folks to the American Legion located on the water. Anyone can just walk into this Legion but you must be a Legion member, or a "Sons of American Legion" member, in order to buy food or drinks. I have a "Sons of American Legion" card and used it when we came with John and Joan in December. This visit I was quickly informed that my card had expired. It was a 2021 card. I didn't even think about it. Others had to pay for my food and drink with me reimbursing them. Here are a couple of pictures of some of our group watching the dolphins play near the docks. The first is a picture of Jean and the second is a picture of Terry and Julie and the back of George's head.

I checked to see if I could renew my Sons of American Legion card at this post and the answer was "no". I have to do it in Perryville. I just assumed that they would send me a statement and a new card as they always did when I was a booster member but they did not. I called the American Legion Hall in Perryville and they said I had to come in and fill out a form that the bartender has available to pay the dues and get a new card. They wouldn't bill me. Why would they send bills annually for boosters and not for "Sons of American Legion"?  Anyway, I'm out of luck for this winter season.

Wednesday I played in the park golf scramble at a course in Tampa. I've played this course before and it has a lot of water hazards. My balls are always attracted to water so I bring extras. On the 13th hole you have to hit over the water to the fairway. My goal is always to just get the ball over the water, not worrying about where it will land. I DID IT! But in doing so my ball hit the only object in the area - a 2-foot-tall white bird standing on the bank. It was hysterical. I wish I had a video of him jumping up when he was hit. Surprisingly he didn't fly off. We rode the cart over there to retrieve my ball and he just stood there as we approached. My cart mate said he looked pissed and he may kick my ass! Luckily, he didn't. John gave me golf tips throughout the day which helped me improve my swing. I only lost two balls in the water all day so that was a win in itself!  After the tournament there is a meal at the pavilion for players and spouses. Fried chicken is supplied and each couple brings a covered dish. There were dozens of sides for the chicken as well as desserts. It was a nice time and a great meal.

Friday I had to take the truck into the dealer for an inspection of the wheel studs due to a recall. Dave rode with me because I thought it would only take an hour. We got there and the service writer said it would be at least two hours because they were running behind. He had someone drive us back to the RV park. Four hours later I still hadn't heard back so I texted the service writer and he said the truck would be finished in 15 minutes. Kelly drove me there to pick it up. As it turned out all of the wheel studs on my truck are fine, no replacements needed. Good news.

Friday afternoon I was supposed to install new batteries in Celina's golf cart but the supplier called and told her the batteries had not arrived. He said it is hard to get golf cart batteries right now. A project for another day. 

At the park there is a chapter of "The Red Hat Ladies". It's a social group and one of their yearly activities here at the park is a "Soup and Salad Dinner", which was yesterday. For $7.00 you get all the salad you want and a taste of various soups made by the chapter members. Kelly made a delicious clam chowder. The profits go to the St. Petersburg Free Clinic. I think last year they cleared about $600.00 but this year the crowd was smaller. You are given a plate of lettuce and you put on whatever toppings you want. Here is a picture of the salad table after everyone had been served. Everyone wore masks and gloves while getting their salad.

Each person was given three cups to taste different soups.  The ladies made twenty-five soups. Quite a variety. Here is a picture of part of the soup table. I couldn't get it all in one picture.

It was all delicious with homemade cupcakes to finish off the meal. It took about an hour to clean up and then we were back at the RV to watch a little football.  

At 6:00 a.m. this morning it started raining fairly hard. It is supposed to rain off and on all day plus get windy and cooler. I had planned to grill a steak this evening but I think it will be a good day to just stay indoors and watch football.

Monday, January 10, 2022

January 10, 2022 - Dumster Diving and Securing Floor Vents

The dumpster here in the park is on the way to the mailbox from our lot. As I ride my bike to get the mail I always check out the dumpster area for stuff people leave that is usable. There are always things like microwave ovens, chairs, etc. Most items are in good working order. The other day I found an "Everstart Maxx" car jumper-starter sitting there. It looked fine so I brought it back to our site to check it out. I plugged it in and over a period of 24 hours it charged up to 13.2 volts. It has an AC outlet, three USB outlets, an LED light and an air compressor. Everything works. The only issue will be to see if the battery holds a charge when not plugged in. Here is a picture of it with an AC adapter in it to charge my phone.  If the internal battery holds a charge, it will be handy to have around the camper or at home. If not, back to the dump.

Also at the dumpster on another day was a 50-foot garden hose that looked to be like new. All it needed was a washer. Here is a picture of it with a spray handle I put on to check it out for leaks. It even had the bungee cords on it to keep it curled up. I will add it to my collection of hoses in the RV.

For several months we have been having issues with the floor vents in the carpeting. They are supposed to be screwed through the carpeting and into the floor. Unfortunately, the holes cut in the floor were cut too large for the screws to catch any wood to hold them down. As a result, at times our feet catch on them. They can be a trip hazard. I decided today to drill holes in the sides of the vents so I could screw the vent into the floor on an angle. Here is a picture of one vent in the vice getting ready to be drilled. The arrow points to the area where I drilled a hole on each end.

Here is a picture of one of the drilled holes.

Here is a picture of one vent installed with a screw firmly holding it in place on each end. Problem solved. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

December 25, 2021 - January 1, 2022 - From Christmas to New Year

Several of the folks from Ohio arrived a few days after Christmas. One couple brought a nice pair of cornhole boards. Everyone loves to play "bags" as we all call it. We gathered on the street the next afternoon and the fun began. There is always a lot of competition and a lot of spectators. It is also an excuse to drink a little beer or other beverage of your choice while rooting on the teams.

When Jean and Dave arrived on the 29th they found that the handrail and a couple of the treads on the steps going into their camper had rotted away and needed to be replaced. After a couple of trips to Home Depot for materials, a borrowed circular saw, and some deck screws, Dave and I made a new handrail and all new treads. Basically, the only part of the steps not new are the stringers and the bottom bracing. This little bit of lumber cost over $60.00.  All wood we purchased was treated so these steps will outlast us. Jean was going to paint them but decided to just let them weather for now.

Another bonfire was planned for New Years Eve. I didn't take any pictures this time, but it was once again well-attended. Many attending this time missed the first one because they arrived after Christmas. 
It was the warmest New Year's Eve anybody remembered. It had been in the 80s throughout the day and only cooled down to the low 70s. We had a great time talking, watching the fire, and requesting songs to be played on the "Alexa" John brought. We had to play "Auld Lang Syne" well before midnight though because most of the group began dispersing. 

Only five of us stayed up until midnight when we shared a bottle of champaign to ring in the new year. Here is a picture of the clock in Marge when we got back which proves these two old timers from Perryville stayed up that late.

Good friends, George and Janet, arrive today from Michigan. We look forward to seeing them again. We have been having the campfires on the lot they will be occupying so we will have to find a different location for future campfires.


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