Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December 24, 2021 - Christmas Eve Bonfire

The folks on Audrey Street here in the park are always looking for a reason to get together. Christmas Eve was no different. For those of us who weren't going anywhere for Christmas, wood was gathered and a bonfire was organized on a vacant lot. It was well-attended. Here are a few of pictures.

I had the only fire poker in the group and a couple of the guys had great fun hiding it from me throughout the evening. In the January "Roberts Review" (the park monthly flyer of activities and messages) there was a large notice that bonfires are strictly forbidden throughout the park except for the "sanctioned one" on Friday nights at the large bonfire pit by the pavilion. I don't know if that notice was for our benefit or just a general "reminder". The sanctioned bonfire is around a huge six-foot-wide pit. It is for the benefit of residents of the entire park. You sit so far away from others and from the fire that it is a joke. Hopefully we can have another more intimate campfire or two on Audrey Street without getting in trouble. 

Christmas Day was nice. Kelly and I went to church and later in the day had video calls with the kids and grandkids in California. It appears the grandkids made out like bandits, as expected. The adults this year decided not to buy anything for each other and instead make a donation to a charity. Most of us donated to New Life Mission Inn in Perryville, which provides services for addicted folks and the homeless. We know the money will be put to good use.

Christmas Day and thereafter the weather has been fabulous. In the low 60s at night and up to 80 in the day. Yesterday I did laundry and counted six regular washing machines, one large washing machine, and four dryers "Out of Order". Par for the course at this place. Luckily I go early in the morning so few people are there and there are open machines. Everyone gets going later here in Florida. Many stores and businesses do not open until 10:00 a.m.

There is going to be a New Years Ever party at the clubhouse. This was not planned for ahead because no one stepped up to organize it. It will be a bring your own snacks and drinks, with music provided by a fellow in the park with a sound system. We would like to go but are concerned about Covid and being inside with many others for several hours. All of our activities so far have been outside. 

There is a "Chili Cook-off " on January 6th and Kelly wants me to enter my chili. I guess I will have to decide pretty soon if I am going to enter, or just buy tickets to taste, or neither. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you Christmas was nice. It was 70 degrees here and my son had the windows open at his house on Christmas Eve when we visited. Christmas day I visited my upstairs neighbor who really has no family so it was nice. Hope your New Years is great. Hope to see you on your return. Stephanie


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