Sunday, September 15, 2019

September 15th - Generator Fuel Line Leak and Marge Scrubbed

On Thursday I pulled the empty LP tank out of Marge and took it in to get filled. After doing that I was putting gasoline in the fuel tank for the generator in Marge and decided to run it for a while. I started it from the outside and immediately saw that the fuel filter, which I had just recently installed, was leaking profusely. It didn't leak when I installed it a couple of weeks ago!  Here is a picture. You can see the gas pouring out of the bottom even after the generator was shut off.

So much for cheap Chinese fuel filters. I went to O'Reilly's and got a GOOD Chinese fuel filter. It is metal, at least three times the size, and three times the price of the cheap one.  Here is a picture with the generator running and no leaks so far.

No more cheap fuel filters for me. I had two more of the cheap filters and threw them away so I wouldn't even be tempted to use them in the future on anything.

Today Marge was scheduled for a professional washing. They were scheduled to be here between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. I even got an email yesterday reminding me of the appointment.  Guess what.  They didn't show up. I called the company but they are closed on Sunday. I sent an email but will also call tomorrow and hopefully get it rescheduled soon.  Marge really needs a bath!

Today I emailed my release form to be a crew member for one of the balloons at the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque. I signed up to work all day for all nine days. (I may regret that but Kelly said "What else are you going to do all day?") Usually the pilots do not go up all nine days. I will see how it works out. I'm hoping to get to go up once. It is up to the pilot they said. It costs $650 to go up for a ride with the one outfit that does it commercially at the fiesta and you have to book in advance. I'm not paying that much.

We will be camping at Rend Lake next weekend with our oldest daughter, Alexa, and her friend. We are going to take both campers so Alexa can get some experience driving Homer. It is a little different than puttering around in her Honda Civic. It is supposed to be hot next week but there is a lake and a beach where we can get in the water. We have not "camped" in several years. For good or bad we have become RVers, i.e. travelers, rather than campers. We have some firewood here at the house but you aren't allowed to move firewood around anymore because of bugs and diseases. I have a lot of scrap lumber I have been hoarding. I will take a bunch of it to burn in the campfire and get it out of the way in my shop.  It should be fun. I may even stay up past 9:00 p.m.!

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