Thursday, October 31, 2024

October 27 - October 31st - Time in Mountain View, California

My Blog Reflection

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. 

Groucho Marx

October 26, 2024 - Arrival in Mountain View, California

For supper Adam made a charcuterie board for us. Here are pictures. 

October 27, 2024

While we hung out at the house with the granddaughters and watched football, Adam made homemade pasta for supper. We had bowtie pasta, cavatelli, and meat ravioli. All were delicious!

October 28, 2024

I went with Annie to drop the girls off at school. Wren goes to pre-K at one school and Violet goes to a different school closer to home. Here is a picture of the girls with Annie ready for school. It’s chilly in the morning here in Silicon Valley.

Here is a picture of the school yard at Wren’s school as kids wait to enter their classrooms. It is organized chaos. They wait on geometric shapes by class until the teachers come out to get them. Being California there are no halls ways . All of the classrooms just open to the outside.

Adam and I then made a trip to the hardware store to purchase hooks, etc. in the stairwell we then hung the picture we brought out in the truck bed. Annie picked this spot to hang the picture so it could be viewed from a distance. Here is a picture of the picture hung in place. The picture is over 50 inches wide, thus the need to bring it out in the truck.

October 28, 2024

The four of us walked downtown for lunch at Limon, a Peruvian restaurant. Kelly and I had never tasted Peruvian food before so it was a new experience. We both enjoyed it, including dessert.

Since I had my hammer drill with me Adam asked me to drill holes in the concrete to insert bolts to secure the wooden gazebo in case of wind. I had a devil of a time drilling the holes because I kept hitting rebar and granite stone used in the concrete. When finished a shot of whiskey to sip after supper was just what I needed. I slept like a baby.

October 29, 2024

Annie had to work all day so Kelly and I went to the Hiller Aviation Museum about fifteen miles away. We both really enjoyed it. I never realized how many companies and how much early aviation developments took place in California. I took some pictures of the airplane exhibits but being inside they were too crammed together to be worth saving. The museum had the nose of a 747 Boeing jet. You could sit in the cockpit. The first picture is head-on. The second and third pictures are of the wall of switches and lights behind the pilots. Crazy

From there, at Adam’s suggestion, we drove to the town of Burlingame and walked the quaint downtown area. We stopped and had a great pizza at “Rise Pizzeria”. I had never had a “beef rib and arugula pizza” before. Here is Kelly getting ready to dig in.

October 30, 2024

After running some errands with Adam we came back to their house and loaded a mattress and frame in the bed of the truck. I closed the tailgate and realized I forgot to put something in. I pulled on the tailgate handle AND IT BROKE OFF IN MY HAND! It is plastic. I HATE plastic. Here is a picture of the lock with the broken handle piece laying on the top of the tailgate.

Unbelievable. This ticked me off.  I never dreamed this part is made of plastic. Luckily I can get the tailgate open with a screwdriver and pliers. I looked online and I will have to replace the entire latch mechanism. I can get a replacement in white, black, or chrome. I won’t order a new one until I get home. The prices range from $10.00 to $100.00. Crazy. Since all the replacement locks are plastic I doubt one is better than the other.

After getting sandwiches for lunch, Kelly, Annie, and I went to Goodwill to look around. I found nothing I wanted. Kelly found a few things. The evening was spent watching the World Series.

October 31, 2024

The girls were up early for school with their Halloween Costumes on - white and black cats.

Annie and I took Wren to school and watched all the kids parade around for the parents. Here is Wren waving at us.

Lots of parents lined up to watch the parade of pre-k and grade school kids.

After I gassed up the truck we packed our clothes in the truck since we are leaving early in the morning. Adam and Kelly stopped on the way back and bought a bear claw for breakfast. 

The kids went out for Trick or Treat. Kelly and I put on our costumes and handed out candy.Here are pictures of everyone on Halloween.


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