Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 27, 2023 - November 30, 2023 - Social Sunday, Spectrum Equipment, Paint Purchase, Dishwasher Cleaning, Painted Walls


The Sunday Social Dinner and Dance in the park was from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. It included free drinks, a meal, and live music. It was a good deal for $10.00 per person. At first, I thought the hours were a little early but as it turned out I liked the time frame. We had a great time. I was told the band members are guys who live in the park. They were quite good and played a lot of Beatles music. Here is a picture of the band which I took over Kelly and Celina's heads. LOL

The following is a picture of us that was on the park Facebook page the next day. The lady in black in front of me is Sharon. A really nice lady from Ohio who lost her husband last year. We got her to get up and dance. She said she hadn't danced in years and thoroughly enjoyed herself. The lady behind me is Donna and she is a hoot. She and her husband Richard (he was gone for the picture) moved here from the State of Washington last year. Their place is behind Celina's place.

It was a dancing crowd. They played music we all liked from the Sixties. The guy in the black shirt and white shorts in the following pictures is our neighbor across the street, Doug. A really nice guy. He and his wife, Judy, live here full-time. I don't know the lady he is dancing with. His wife only danced slow dances.


The TV equipment from Spectrum acted up all day Sunday so we took it back Monday morning and exchanged it. From the Spectrum store we headed to Sherwin-Williams to buy paint for the living and dining room accent walls. I was concerned about getting coverage over the dark "Raspberry" color. I asked about putting on a primer coat first but the salesman said primer then a color would be two coats. If I just give it two coats of color it will cover fine. 

After Sherwin-Williams we headed to Publix to grocery shop. We needed a lot of staples and items for the long stay like flour, peanut butter, salad dressing, pasta, etc. We ended up with a full cart. I didn't even look at the final bill. LOL

After we got home and put all the food away, I decided to clean the dishwasher and its filter. The dishwasher is an older Maytag model. The bottom is white plastic and it had a stain trail down from the door to the center drain. After seeing how the air-conditioning filter looked, I figured the dishwasher filter would be bad as well. Unfortunately, this old model Maytag did not have an easily removable filter like ours at home. I dove into the project by taking apart the center wand assembly. Once I got the top pieces off I found a round screen filter inside. In the picture below it is the round piece just outside the "X" shaped piece. I took all of the pieces apart to clean them. In the picture you can see the nasty brown trail from the door to the drain. Kelly tackled it as well as the rest of the bottom with Bartender's Helper and it came out like new.

Surprisingly the filter wasn't bad but all the working pieces in the center were coated with a mushy lime, or some other deposit. Here is a picture of the piece that covers the filter before I cleaned it up. 

I thought I took a picture of the center assembly as I took it apart, but I didn't. I guess I thought about it but got busy and forgot. Luckily, I was able to get all the center parts back together correctly, or so I thought. We ran a load of dishes and there was a strong electrical smell. Upon opening the dishwasher, I found that there was no water coming in. I tried several different settings but never got any water.

I obviously didn't get something put back together correctly! I took it all apart. The top piece in the picture above is the only thing that could be put in differently. It could be installed in a couple of different orientations based on the bolt patterns. I couldn't tell the proper orientation from on top and of course I didn't mark it before I pulled it off. I rotated it 180 degrees and reinstalled it. After making this change it worked perfectly. Yippee!!!!  I don't have to buy a new dishwasher.


All of the rooms, except the bathrooms, have ceiling fans. We leave most of the fans on all the time to help with the humidity and air-conditioning. Each fan has two chains, one for the light and one for the fan speed. The chains are all the same length and I pull the wrong chain every time! Too solve this issue I bought a length of chain and made all of the chains for the lights longer than the chains for the fan speed. Now I hope I can remember - long chain - light; short chain - fan.

In almost fifty years of owning a home in Perryville I never put outside Christmas lights up. We found some Christmas lights in the shed and put a string of green and red lights out on the porch. Here is a picture. They don't show up very well in the picture because right across the street is a very bright LED streetlight. I ordered a timer because I will forget to go out and unplug them each night.


Every Wednesday morning I go to the doctor to get my allergy shot. I asked for the earliest appointment which is 10:30 a.m. For me 10:30 a.m. is the middle of the day. Anyway, even though I have the first appointment it is usually 11:00 a.m. before they call me in and by the time I see the doctor, get the shot, and wait for a reaction, it is close to noon before I get out. I hope they start working.

After getting home from the doctor I went to work prepping the accent walls for the new paint color. All the old picture holes were filled in and everything was taped. The China cabinet is quite heavy but Kelly was able to help me get it moved out of the way. I then began painting. Here I am starting the process.

We are quite happy with the result. The new color gives the area an entirely different feel. A much more "Florida" vibe. 

Kelly placed all the dishes and wine glasses that she brought down from home in the cabinet. It makes for a very handsome China Cabinet.



Down here garage sales are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. A huge garage sale was advertised in Largo so we headed down with Celina. When we got there it was a total bust. The guy is a junk dealer and that is all he had - junk. He needs a big dumpster. We then went by the Restore to check out desks but they don't open until 10:00 a.m. We didn't want to wait 45 minutes, so we headed home.

We had lunch and decided to head back to the Restore to look for a desk and chair. To our surprise we found a desk and chair that would work nicely for $35.00. We bought it. Before heading home we went to the Salvation Army Donation Center to give them all of the items which weren't picked up on the lawn yesterday. 

Once home did a little work on the desk and cleaned the chair. We then put it in the guest bedroom. Here is a picture. 

It is much nicer than a folding table and dining room chair. A good place to work on the blog!

I then used the green paint from the wall to pain over the raspberry leaves on the living room floor vase that came with the house. We think it looks a lot better. Tomorrow, when it is totally dry, we will put the flowers in it and tie them up with a dowel I bought for that purpose.

Things in the house are really shaping up. Tomorrow is an off day. We are heading down to Sarasota to scope out a place for the members of our Carri-Yals RV club, who winter in Florida, to meet for a winter luncheon in January.  We have gotten together for years in the middle of the state so this year will be different. I'll report on what we find.


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