Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 25, 2023 - March 31, 2023 - Last Week of the Season in Florida

This is our last week in Florida this season.

Last weekend our oldest daughter, Alexa, was able to get away from work and spend a long weekend with us. Friday night, after picking her up from the airport, we went to the Crab Shack for supper, but the place was packed and the wait too long. We went down the road to Kahuna's and had great Grouper meals. 

Saturday morning we hit a few garage sales but found little that we needed. Kelly got a great deal on some cloth napkins. I bought a c-clamp for a buck. Saturday afternoon I took Alexa on a golf cart ride and she took a fast speed video of the park.

We are cleaning out the fridge in anticipation of heading home, so for supper I grilled a ribeye steak and two pork steaks. All were good with some rice and a cabbage salad.

Sunday morning we went to Pass-a-Grill beach but it was way too crowded. There was no parking anywhere, so we went to Fort DeSoto State Park where there is always plenty of parking. We spent a couple of hours sunning ourselves on a beautiful day. The umbrella came in handy because none of us wanted to get burned.

After getting home we ate leftovers for supper then played a few rounds of Rummikub. I didn't win a single game!

Monday we had a nice breakfast at the Early Bird Cafe then dropped Alexa off at the airport for her flight home. She wished she could have stayed a few more days, as did we.

Monday afternoon we went over to Roberts RV Park to help load up a U-Haul trailer of stuff from Chris and Marj's and Jean and David's travel trailers. Both couples sold the travel trailers they kept down here. They had lots of stuff to take back to Michigan. After everything was loaded, we had a nice visit with all our Michigan friends in the park. Monday was Chris and Marj's last day in Florida, after many winter seasons down here. It was sad for all of us. We are hoping they can find a place to rent next winter and come back if even for a short time.

We had just walked in the door at home when we got a video call from daughter, Erin. It was her 45th birthday. Earlier we had sent her Birthday Wishes so she called to talk to us. We briefly saw the grandboys and learned both are doing well. We wish they weren't so far away so we could see them more often.

Tuesday we started to organize stuff our trip home. We have the car and truck to load. This year is much different because we have to decide what to take home and what to leave in Florida. In all prior years everything went home in the fifth wheel so there were no decisions to be made. We are going to leave a lot of clothes here, so we have less to bring back next season. We have a cooler for fridge items that we can't leave. I want to clean out the fridge and turn it off but Kelly wants to leave it on. Kelly will probably win this debate.

Wednesday Kelly is cooking supper for Jean and David and then we will play some cards. Terry and Julie might come for supper as well. I will pick David and Jean up because, now that Chris and Marj are gone, they have no vehicle to use. They will turn over the trailer to the new owners on April 5th, then fly back to Michigan.

Thursday we will do our final packing and close the house down for the until next fall. We will head home early Friday morning.

Chris and Marj and David and Jean each have small campers back in Michigan that they use for campouts near home. Kelly and I will drive Homer up there in August for a week-long campout with them. It will be great to see then all again. They are all such good friends.

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