Monday, January 9, 2023

January 2nd - 9th, 2023 - Reserving for Next Year, Kelly is Sick, Hosting the Block Party

The end of the year we got a letter in our mailbox that park rental is going up for next season. For those of us who stay four months it is going up $125.00 per month. Seasonal spots are hard to get so on Monday January 2nd we went up to the office and put down a deposit for next year. The management here is so nice, everything is so simple. I told her we would put down a deposit on this lot but would rather have a North-facing lot next year, she said to check back after January 18th when those lots not reserved are listed. If a North-facing lot is available then she will just change our lot reservation. The office staff are very helpful and accommodating, which is so different from our past experience at Roberts RV Park. 

We learned from a neighbor that management here does not put up with anyone who doesn’t follow the rules though. On New Years  in Florida everyone shoots off fireworks everywhere. There is a park rule that no fireworks shall be shot off in the park. Totally understandable. Last year someone in the park shot some fireworks off anyway. Management found out about it and kicked them out - permanently. They owned a park model. Management told them to pull it out or sell to someone else. They weren’t allowed to remain in the park. They sold.  

January 2nd it turned very warm. 80 plus. Tuesday is laundry day.  At 6:30 a.m. I did the laundry when no one else is around. Kelly went to bed Monday night not feeling well and got up Tuesday morning feeling worse. By lunchtime she decided to take a Covid test. Luckily it came back negative. A chest cold? I went to the store and bought some NyQuil, Green Tea, and Chicken Noodle Soup. Then I dumped the holding tanks, so that we are good for another week. 

Our patio gets full sun from noon on. The sunshade we bought helps block the sun but since it is a mesh so a lot of sun and heat still comes through it. I didn’t want to catch what Kelly had so I stayed outside reading, etc.  I have to keep moving around to stay in the shade. This is the main reason we would like to get a North-facing lot. The North-facing lots get afternoon shade from the rig and the awning. 

The Pool Party that had been scheduled in December was cancelled due to the cold weather and rescheduled for the 4th. I went up to check it out. There was a pretty good crowd. The music was provided by an old guy singing, playing a keyboard, and using a sound machine for accompaniment. He wasn't too bad and played a lot of songs everyone liked. A fellow took this picture that I was in. Can you pick me out?

A number of the attendees get in the pool and splash around.

On a different subject, I finished carving the boot. Here is a picture. I will take it home and stain it and varnish it. My daughter, Alexa, gets it as the first thing I carved with the carving set she bought me.

Kelly hadn't improved by Friday, so we went to the closest Urgent Care, which is seventeen miles away.

When we got there at least six people were ahead of Kelly. They were SLOW. We were there for three hours. I'm glad she wasn't bleeding. Kelly has pneumonia and was given a prescription for an antibiotic, Flonase, and Prednisone. Her medical insurance changed to Aetna the first of the year and she hasn't received the new card yet. Aetna sent her a letter that could be used until the card arrived. The urgent care folks had no problem accepting the new insurance based on the letter. Kelly needed to get a blood test so we drove to Quest. She completed their paperwork, but they wouldn't accept the Aetna insurance based on the letter. Kelly said the guy there was a real jerk. We then went to Walgreens to get the prescription filled. They accepted the Aetna letter. Go figure. Upon getting back to the RV Kelly called Aetna about the problem. She was told the card was mailed out December 19th. We haven't gotten it yet, which is strange. Our mail is forwarded from Perryville once per week. It should have been here by now.  The lady at Aetna told Kelly to download the Aetna app and she could get the card from there and have it on her phone. She goes back to Quest on Tuesday, January 10th, which was their first available appointment.

A major storm came through Thursday. It rained really hard for a long time. Here are some pictures of the storm coming through.

After the storm the temperatures dropped over fifteen degrees but Friday the sun was back out. 

This block of "D Street" is known for having a "Block Party" once per month. We went to the first one in December hosted by Brian and Janet. While sitting on the patio Friday Brian came up and asked if we would host the next "Block Party" on Wednesday the eleventh. Kelly was sick and inside the RV. Without consulting her (a mistake) I agreed to do it (mostly to get our turn out of the way). A while later Gailen, from across the street, came over. He said he heard we were hosting the next "Block Party" and, thankfully, he told me what was expected of us. (Brian told me nothing.) The hosts provide the space, have a table for snacks, and provide plates, utensils, and napkins. I pointed to our folding table and he said that it wasn't large enough so he will bring one over. Kelly thought it was a bad idea for us to host since she was sick. She said she would not mingle with others and she suggested I tell Brian we can't do it. I didn't want to do that so I will host the group and Kelly will stay in the RV. Now I need to go to the store and purchase disposable dinnerware.

Saturday I was sitting on the patio when I heard cranes nearby. I was able to get this video as they walked through out lot.

Saturday evening there was a dance at the clubhouse but we skipped it for obvious reasons. I have not been going to wood carving to stay away from groups.

Sunday we decided to take a ride to Lake Placid, then on to Arcadia, then back home. This area is the poorest part of the state. Lake Placid is nice but Arcadia is a small community and pretty depressed.

Since it is after the first of the year the park is now full for the season. All the activities will get into full swing. I'm hoping Kelly continues to improve so we can attend events.

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